Miss M and Mr B saw this last week with Gma and Gpa (while I was stuck working at the LAST school to finish for the summer) - of course this was no good for A and I, so we went to see it yesterday, along with Auntie J.
It was a Wednesday, so the plan was to not book in advance, but to turn up and get 241 tickets on Orange Wednesdays.
Hmmm -- seems like most of Warrington had the same idea! The queue was looooong - never mind I thought, we've got 25 minutes until the show starts.
An hour and 5 minutes later we got to the desk - just in time to book for the next showing!
During that hours we played a fun word game that J taught us, A went to sit down and had to glug his emergency coke to ward off a hypo (he'd taken his tea insulin on the assumption he would be having a cinema snack!) and Mr B asked how long it would take about 5 gazillion times!
Still - the film was really great, and yes J and I cried :)