Thursday, 25 November 2010

For the Beauty of the Earth.....

..... I may have mentioned this before - but I love this hymn and this arangement is just beautiful

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Escape to the Park...

... on Saturday afternoon...

...taking a break from school work and service planning....

...and finding time to play.

Friday, 19 November 2010


... for Children in Need!

Monday, 15 November 2010

Carrying the flag...

Mr B carries the flag on Remembrance Sunday - (the organ isn't usually so wobbly at church - no idea what happened there!)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

The Red Cloak

Bought for Mr B's trip to Bramall Hall for a Tudor Christmas day - worn pretty much constantly since Friday evening - here modelled on the top of the Victorian Centre car park in Llandudno!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Poppy Girl

Someone took my knitted poppy to wear at school today!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Anthony and Cleopatra

Afternoon theatre trip to see Anthony and Cleopatra at the Playhouse in Liverpool....

... Kim Catrell was wonderful, Jeffery Kissoon had great pathos, but lacked the stength of Anthony the general...

... but old favourite Ian Hogg as Enobarbus was magnificent... was Martin Hutson's Octavius.

Fireworks on the Mersey 2010

The rain held off again this year for the fabulous fireworks on the river. As usual there was a crowd of thousands on our bank to watch the display.
Mr B enjoyed his sparkler...

... and got a gerat view from daddy's shoulders!

The fireworks are set off from the wall of the Ship Canal - so they can be really spectacular, but you feel very safe with the whole river between you and the explosions.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Dr Who Live!

Wednesday evening we went to see the Dr Who Live show at the Echo Arena - to say that Miss M was excited about it would be a huge understatement.

The actual Doctor wasn't live - he's off filming in Wales and Utah (Utah! When did my twin obsessions of DW and Mommy Blogging collide?) - but appeared on the large video screens.

The interaction with the host of the show (Vorgenson, played by Nigel Planer) was very cleverly done. The show was big - Doctor Who as pantomime - and lots of fun.

There were monsters aplenty - Judoon, Scarecrows, Vampires, Silurians etc - the stompy cybermen were most impressive.

Eventually the daleks showed up....

.... for an inevitable fight with the cybermen....

... and a final appearance from a flying white dalek!
K and Miss E loved it...

... as did Miss M!

And Mr B sat still for 2 hours -which says it all really!