Saturday, 31 December 2011

Farewell to 2011...

... a New Years Eve trip to Manchester with My Mister and dear friend Richard  to see 

"You Can't It With You" at The Royal Exchange.

Wonderfully staged and great fun - we followed this with tea at Cafe Rouge, before heading home,

We are seeing in the New Year at home - cuddled up with the children. Mr Ben is desperate to see the fireworks at midnight - so we are all in bed together and waiting for 12 o'clock...

Good Bye Little Miss Katharine...

....  see you next year!

Friday, 30 December 2011

Miss Katharine in the ball pool....

... and Mr Ben up the wall!

Miss Katharine in her Christmas Dress

Playing at Grandma's and looking so beautiful and grown up!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

A morning of Bowling and Pool

We had fun morning bowling at the new Widnes Alley .... 

 ... and I would very much like to point out that I won
( for the first time ever) with a score of 128!

Afterwards Al and Mr Ben had a game of pool -
with Mr Ben trying out his new child sized cue - 
a Christmas present from Auntie Judianne!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Another Day...

... playing with Little Miss Katharine....

... before snuggling up to watch TV.

It's been a long wait...

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Boxing Day at Nana's House ...

... where we met up with cousins in Christmas dresses...

 ... and with cousins doing craft work...

 ... and where Miss Megs really couldn't resist trying on the fabulous dress!

Boxing Day at Martin Mere ....

 time to get out of the house 
for charging about on the adventure playground 
walking around the ponds 
and bird watching at the hides.

Chritmas Presents at Grandma's

The second MegaZord of Christmas....

Monday, 26 December 2011

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas Morning....

Mr Ben bounced into our room at 6.30am (he had been waiting patiently in his bed since 6 o'clock!), followed by a slightly unawake Miss Megs.

Mr Ben has expressed some doubts this year about Father Christmas (I heard you getting out presents last year) - but when push came to shove he insisted on drawing a picture and leaving out cookies and milk.

And this morning he was just as excited as ever to unwrap the presents in his sack
(that the man in the red suit had to order from South Korea!)

 .... meanwhile Miss Megs got lots of pretty things :)