Saturday, 29 September 2012

Back on his bike

Nine o'clock on Friday evening, Ben bounced out of his second session at scouts announcing that he had signed up for the bicycle orienteering competition next Saturday!

Amid my panicked thoughts on "Ben? Map reading? In the forest?" was the realisation that Ben hadn't been on his bike since July. Up until then he'd been out every week - but then as things with Al's parents got really difficult, we just hadn't had the chance.

So today - back on the bikes for a lovely spin around the park....

.... the sun was out, the pond was nearly overflowing from all the rain in the week -
it was quite glorious :)

Friday, 28 September 2012

Visitors Welcome!

Anyone visiting from Kate's Blog - nice to see you!

I can't imagine there will be many UK bloggers in this link up - but you never know!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Last Cub Camp

Back from his last ever Cub Camp

Last Friday he started at Scouts -

yet more evidence of how he's growing up.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Another week down

As soon as September arrives my blog entries always slow to a trickle
as we readjust to the new school year.

 So here we are back at a weekend - and it's another lovely, sunny Saturday
{with the promise of rain arriving tomorrow and hanging around for the whole week!}

Today we walked by the canal and the river -

Al did some bird watching -

We sat in the sun and looked at the Future Flower and the Bridge -

As always I wondered if this was the last sunny day of the year -

I want to savour every last moment.

{If you really look you can see a dragonfly - they were all over the canal -
and there were swallows still feeding above the water - they must be off to Africa soon}

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Just before light out time...

... quiet and ready for sleep

Sunday, 16 September 2012

And he's back again....

... having fenced, quad biked, high roped, canoed, built and sailed a raft
 and survived the giant swing!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

I'm not giving in to Autumn

With Ben off at camp, we drove out to Wales on Friday evening,
taking Megan's friend Jamie with us.

Saturday morning it was bright and warm -
Megs and Jamie stayed in the caravan for a gossip/text/TV session,
while Al and I had a lovely morning, first in Conwy....

... and then at the RSPB reserve.

After lunch it clouded over -
 but it was still nice enough for to go into Llandudno for ice creams on the beach!

Friday, 14 September 2012

Thursday, 13 September 2012

A week at High School..

... and he's still happy!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Saturday in Llandudno

This year we've barely been to Wales

 (there was the small matter of the Olympics in London, and Al's mum's health problems)

today the forecast was so good that we took the chance of a day by the sea.
First up - Ben's choice for the day - tobogganing on the Orme

{Megan screamed all the way down as usual}

{It's always good to spend time on these caravan steps}

Meg's wanted to go to West Shore -

 {a big cloud bank rolled in - it was still warm - but rather white!}

then we had a swim at the pool

We finished the afternoon at North Shore Beach

{added opportunities for book buying at Waterstones
coffee and cake at Cafe Culture
and mooching at Kingdom Crafts}


Al tried out his panarama photo setting on his phone


Best news is we are going back on Friday evening for an overnight stay -
though I'm sure the weather won't be the same!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

2 Days Down ...

and High School still seems to be going well!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Before his first day at High School...

{Big sister Megs in her new uniform too}


... and afterwards!

How did it go? "Okay Dokay!"

Sunday, 2 September 2012

A checklist for the last weekend....

... of the summer holidays

Ben gets his haircut

I label all the new school uniform

Ben tries on his new PE kit

{2 more days off for the children - but I'm back at school tomorrow!}

A Girl and her Grandpa

Megs decided that she didn't have enough pictures of Grandpa on her "Family Wall"