Sunday, 30 September 2007

At the Steam Fair

The last weekend in September is always the steam fair at Victoria Park. This year there seemed to be fewer steam engines and organs than usual - but M and B still had a great time on the fair.

Friday, 28 September 2007


Theatre trip tonight - to see Godspell at the Palace in Manchester. A had never seen this musical before - and I last saw it over 20 years ago.

Stephen Gately (ex Boyzone) played Jesus and Ryan Molloy was Judas. The songs were excellent, and the performers good, but I felt the direction was pretty confused. A wasn't impressed by the production - but I enjoyed it despite the flaws.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Today it was the steeplechase at M's school - she did 13 laps of the field - a new record for her - it's hard running with little legs!
Helped on her way by friends R and E.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

At the park

It was surprisingly sunny after school - so we popped over to Sherdley Park, to try out the new playground. B is modelling his new hat - bought from Pumpkin Patch on Saturday - and seldom off his head since.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Front Door

Our front door was looking rather the worse for wear.....several coats of woodseal and a new number later - our door looks all new and shiny. (It's still tricky to open and shut though - so some things never change.)

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Eager Beaver

B after a busy night at Beavers

Monday, 17 September 2007

Busy Busy Busy

It's the same every year - as soon as school starts the autumn term, so does everything else.

In the last week alone;

-B started Beavers (I must get a photo of him in his uniform)

-M's BF J came to tea (a big bonus of me working 2 full days is that I can pick up from school 3 days a week and M can have frineds over for tea)

-M went back to Cubs and spent all day Saturday at Forest Camp on a Challenge Day learning to canoe and absail (must get a copy of the photo of that!)

-She followed that with a sleepover at R's house with her BF J in allendance too (She said they were asleep for midnight - not sure if I believe her)

-I managed to go cropping with the lovely Rose girls

-A has fixed 2 lights in the house and bought and installed a new cooker hood (all while still suffering with his bad foot - injured when a large chemical drum fell on it at work) - he's a star!

-The Worship Leaders took the Sunday morning service at church (a bit of everything in this one - CD track, DVD clip, sketch etc.)

Roll on half term (and an escape to the caravan)

Still - now that M and B both go to Shell Group - it does mean that A and I do get an hour and a half alone on Monday evenings (even if we do spend it at B&Q...)

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Wade Deacon

My old high school is 500 years old - and to celebrate they had an open day. I took M along - partly to tell her about when I was at school - but mostly because this is the high school that we hope she will be attending two years from now.

It was amazing to see how much the school has changed - new buildings, old prefabs demolished, and computers and carpets everywhere. Some old staff I remembered (some fondly, others who terrorised me). Memories both good and bad. And I was amused to see my little brothers name up on an honour board - incorrectly spelt!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Back to School

B's first day in Year 2

M's first day in Year 5

My school starts back tomorrow - and the building work isn't really finished. So I have had 2 days of trying to set up a classroom amid the chaos of workmen and dirt. Thankfully I'm not in tomorrow - so I have a day to recover before my first 2 days teaching this new class.
Meanwhile M and B both went back to school today - and both report having a good time. M has moved up to the top set for maths and B has his first party invitation of the school year.