Monday, 17 September 2007

Busy Busy Busy

It's the same every year - as soon as school starts the autumn term, so does everything else.

In the last week alone;

-B started Beavers (I must get a photo of him in his uniform)

-M's BF J came to tea (a big bonus of me working 2 full days is that I can pick up from school 3 days a week and M can have frineds over for tea)

-M went back to Cubs and spent all day Saturday at Forest Camp on a Challenge Day learning to canoe and absail (must get a copy of the photo of that!)

-She followed that with a sleepover at R's house with her BF J in allendance too (She said they were asleep for midnight - not sure if I believe her)

-I managed to go cropping with the lovely Rose girls

-A has fixed 2 lights in the house and bought and installed a new cooker hood (all while still suffering with his bad foot - injured when a large chemical drum fell on it at work) - he's a star!

-The Worship Leaders took the Sunday morning service at church (a bit of everything in this one - CD track, DVD clip, sketch etc.)

Roll on half term (and an escape to the caravan)

Still - now that M and B both go to Shell Group - it does mean that A and I do get an hour and a half alone on Monday evenings (even if we do spend it at B&Q...)

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