Happy Birthday to Miss M - into double figures!
Presents mostly revolved around her DS and Dr Who
The 'Voyage of the Damned' set was from Uncle J :)
With her birthday falling on a on a Saturday this year, we took her friends to Gauntlet Bird of Prey near Knutsford. All the girls got a chance to meet, stoke and handle a variety of birds.

First up was Tinks the Tawny Owl

Then Ozzy the Burrowing Owl

B was so good - being very gentle when stroking Ozzy

Meeting the smelly (and very wriggly) polecat

M trying to hold a 6 pound Eagle Owl

C with the Eagle Owl

B got his turn too

Everyone also got a turn flying theHarris Hawk (they'll do anything for a a bit of dead chick Harris Hawks!)

TARDIS birthday cake is always super delicious

Eating Dr Who's head from the birthday cake!

Then it was on to Tatton Hall and the adventure playground

Let's all pile on the swing...
....and go flying!

Refreshment break in the Courtyard

How much fun is this?

M with C and C

The girlz (on one boy!) with attitude! Actually they are the sweetest bunch of 10 year olds you could ever meet.

And how did A feel after spending a day with the girlies? Need I say more!
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