Tuesday 26 May 2009

During one short Bank Holiday Weekend...

B moved up a group at swimming - he can now swim a length of the 'big' pool and is in Green 6

He has also learned to ride his bike without stabilisers! We took them off and were ready for weeks of him wobbling around while we ran along with him - but no! One push and he was off! Starting isn't perfect yet - but I am amazed that it was so easy to get him going (after the many, many weeks that Gma and Gpa spent teaching M to ride her bike it was all rather a shock) - and of course there are no pictures becuase we weren't expecting it to happen so quickly.

We had a lovely trip to Tatton Hall - where B had a fab time on the adventure playground - and a super day at Martin Mere - where B had an equally fab time on the adventure playground.....

Do we ever go on days out to places that don't have adventure playgrounds?

On the not so great side - A had an accident with an external computer hard drive. The one with all the footage from the Dance Recital that he film and was nearing the end of editing. G (computer whizz) did his best with it. But it's dead. And so A spent the rest of the weekend recapturing/editing video.

Oh - and this morning at 6.20am, Miss M arrived home from France (cheers!)

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