I went to Chamboree with the FMC scouts along with 4352 others! It was amazing! We all had our own campsite - this is the entrance to ours (by far the best!!!)
On the first night we had to dress up as Medieval Knights - this is my best friend C and me as knights.
This is my stuff in the tent!!!! There is my sleeping roll, my bag, my day bag, my shoes and a discarded top!!! Very tidy don't you think???
This is tent - my sleeping bag is 2nd on the left - (by far the best!!!) - Although I would mind a big comfy blow up bed like the one A was sleeping on.
This me C and A waiting to go to the neon disco - are we bright enough???
This is Paul the Octopus - we made him out of recycled bottle caps! Very cool - this was an activity on the Global Zone.
These are my awesome fluorescent, flowery wellies!!! My mum said I needed them so I could find them when I wanted the toilet in the middle of the night! I climbed to the top on the climbing tower in them! A world record apparently!
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